Vrouwen aan het praten
Wat is het BVO Baarmoederhalskanker?


If you are aged between 25 and 64 and it has been more than three years since you had a Pap smear, you will automatically receive an invitation pack from the Centre for Cancer Detection (CvKO). This consists of a letter of invitation and a leaflet.

If you have a Pap smear every three years, you will not receive a letter of invitation from the CvKO. 

To participate, you must make an appointment with your GP or gynaecologist. Set a date when you do not have your period. Otherwise, the Pap smear cannot be assessed as well.

The Pap smear examination is, in principle, free of charge. You only pay for the consultation with your GP or gynaecologist and receive part of this back from your health insurance fund. You therefore only pay the patient contribution on the condition that your GP or gynaecologist operates within the health insurance fund. Find out on your health insurance fund’s website whether your GP or gynaecologist operates within the fund.

Letter of invitation

You can read what happens during the examination here: 

Postpone for a while?

If you have just given birth or are breastfeeding, it is best to postpone the examination until six months after the birth. 

Who will not be invited?

You will not be invited for the Cervical Cancer Screening Programme:

  • If you have had a Pap smear in the past three years;
  • If you already have or have had cervical cancer;
  • If your uterus and cervix have been removed. If only your uterus has been removed (hysterectomy), a Pap smear is still recommended. If you have any doubts, please ask your GP or gynaecologist for advice.
  • If you are under 25 years old;
  • If you are over 64 years old.
Een vrouw aan het koken.
Een vrouw die de hond uitlaat.
Een vrouw in de wachtzaal voor haar uitstrijkje.


Een vrouw verlaat het ziekenhuis na haar uitstrijkje.
Vrouwen aan het praten